Saturday, October 7, 2017

Why I Read Romance

My reading habits have come up a couple of times lately.  My love of reading is no secret - neither is my preference for romance.  Sometimes that feels like such a funny word to use, but the reality is, I NEED the HEA (happy every after).

My family tells me I've always been a reader, since I was small I've loved story time.  I enjoyed reading to my people as soon as I was old enough to mimic them reading to me.  My earliest book memory involves a giant orange hardback full of stories of gnomes & elves & woodland creatures.  The book liner had an inside look at one of the tree habitats - bedrooms & kitchens & living spaces, all hidden inside a giant tree.  I think I took that book everywhere!  : )  

My next solid book memory is Christopher Pike, Slumber Party.  I was in 5th grade, and we were taking a family trip to Florida.  Driving, from Iowa.  My dad, knowing I would need something to keep me occupied during the L O N G drive, brought me to Walden Books in the mall, and let me pick out some books for the trip.  I'm not sure what appealed to me - the dark blue cover, the title, the blurb on the back cover?  Whatever it was, I wanted that book!  I'm sure I picked out others as well, but that's the one that turned into a favorite, and a multiple re-read throughout the next 30 years.  It began my love for Christopher Pike books - and, in my young, 11-year-old way, taught me about love and romance in books.  

All through school, my favorite books - tho not necessarily considered "romance"- had that necessary HEA quality, or HFN (happy for now).  They ended on a positive note.  I devoured Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Sweet Valley High - all fairly tame and involving story lines of mystery or adventure of some sort.  I read some Stephen King (Carrie, Christine, and IT still stick with me as my favorites, along with The Eyes of the Dragon) and Dean Koontz (Lightning is a well-loved story), and then there were the V.C. Andrews books - I appreciate them for the nostalgia, and the stories DEFINITELY stuck with me, but they're not something I want to read again now.  Those books are WAY TOO SAD!  
But they did help shape me into the reader I am today.  
They taught me that my heart NEEDS that happy ending, and while I'm not a fan of a story full of angst, a little bit here & there (as long as I can feel the connection between the H/h) is a good thing.

I don't remember exactly when I made the jump to the "Harlequin" world.  Someone gave me a Harlequin romance - Just A Normal Marriage by Leigh Michaels - and it was like my eyes were opened to this whole new world of stories!  And then, one of the ladies I babysat for discovered I liked romance, and gave me my first Johanna Lindsey - and my eyes were opened to STEAMY stories.  
*fans self*
At the time, I didn't really understand the nuances of the sexy scenes, but I enjoyed the relationship & the adventures in each one!  
(Sidebar: Leigh was the first author I ever wrote to - and she wrote me back, a HAND WRITTEN LETTER!!  She was also the first author I met in person - my dad took me to see her when she was signing at a store opening.  I think that's pretty darn neat!)  

At that point - my love of the HEA was given a solid foundation!  

A few weeks ago, we had a meeting at work, and reading came up.  My co-workers were talking enthusiastically about a book they'd borrowed from the Company library.  It was some business related book, and they both loved it & recommended it to the group.  Someone looked at me & said, "You love to read - have you read this one?"  I replied, "Oh, I'm strictly romance.  I am a huge proponent of people reading what they love, what they enjoy.  I think everyone should read something - graphic novels, newspapers, blogs, magazines - as long as they're reading!  But for me, it's romance all the way."
I stand by that - if you enjoy reading business-minded books about how to climb the ladder or how to make your work-life more productive, I'm happy for you, that you're reading!  
For me, that would be torture.  That would be work - and I like to leave my work at work.  : ) 

This past week, I've been SUPER BLESSED to win several different giveaways involving signed books.  I'm excited because I love winning things, signed books, and getting happy mail.  *laugh*  In that excitement, I shared a picture w/ my mom last night, of 3 of those books.  I thought, perhaps, she would be happy for me?  Instead, she sorta just glanced at the picture & then said, "You should branch out, read something different."  I was slightly shocked (okay, more than slightly) - and unsure if she was joking.  I replied, "Why?  I read what I like.  Don't you read your books because you enjoy them?"
(She didn't used to be a big reader - reading was something I shared w/ my dad.  But in recent years, she discovered the joy of Victorian hotel mysteries, and of course I'm blanking on the series name as I write this!  But my point is that she's discovered books that she loves.  Also, it should be noted, last night may very well have been an "off" night for her - she seemed kind of cranky overall - because she has traveled with me to book signings, tho never going TO the signing w/ me, she's always been very supportive of and happy for me normally.)

I read stories with a guaranteed happy ending because sometimes life doesn't work out that way.  Not everyone meets the love of their life or gets to experience having their own alpha man.  
I don't have that in my life - I've never had that in my life.  
There were a couple times I thought I did, but they didn't work out, so obviously were not my HEA.  

I have a LOT of love in my life - family and friends who are living examples of love.
But for romance... some watch their favorite movies over & over again, and I used to do that, too, but now I'd rather read.  I read my favorites over & over again, and am always open to new authors, new favorites.  
I love not only the encompassing genre of romance, but the Indie community I've become a part of.
I love supporting my authors, bloggers, friends.
And I love the feeling I get when I'm reading romance.
I love the HEA.
So, that's why I read - and will continue to read - romance.  

: )  

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