Sunday, October 20, 2019

Adventure in the City - Sweet Home Chicago Signing

EVERY time I get to go to a signing, I feel blessed.  I have met so many wonderful people at these events!  And as usual, the event itself is only part of the adventure...    ; )  

I live about 3 hours from Chicago, 4 when you include traffic actually going into the city itself.  And I've been making this trip - in one way or another - for at least 30 years.  So, you'd think I'd have the time I need to leave my house down pat... You'd think.  LOL  Technically, I left my house with plenty of time - if I hadn't had to stop for gas, coffee, and breakfast first.  By the time I actually hit the road out of town, it was an hour later than planned.  

The drive up went well.  I was able to successfully reroute my GPS to avoid the tollway, Thank God!  However, when I got into the city, and got to the underground maze that is Chicago's hotel parking garage central, it kinda lied to me.  It told me I'd reached my destination & my hotel was to the right.  Also, I REALLY had to pee.  Like, we were in the danger zone, ppl!!  I picked a garage hat said "Public Parking" & turned in.  But when I got inside, the signs all said "monthly parking" and "reserved parking."  But I had to PEE, ppl!!!!  God is so good - I parked in a "reserved" spot w/ the intention of seeing if there was a restroom somewhere.  I noticed an open door to what appeared to be a laundry room.  And right there, shining brightly like a beacon was a WOMEN sign on a door... Sure, it turned out to be an employee locker room, but there were toilets, so PRAISE JESUS!!!!  

I did my business & got back in the car, all w/o running into anyone telling me I couldn't be there.  : ) 

Then I went in search of an actual public parking garage right across the street.  Now, since the GPS had told me I was in the right spot for the event hotel, I expected it to be w/in that block.  Ummm.  Not so much.  Dude at the desk in the building I parked at (I'm STILL not entirely sure what it was, but it was part of the weekend's architectural tour...) was very helpful (as were the ladies there getting a guest badge for some reason).  He pointed me in the direction of the hotel's address & I took off on foot.

I'm still not sure if he gave me he wrong directions or if I went out the wrong door & thus went the wrong way bc I wasn't starting off where he thought I would be starting off, but somehow I ended up about a mile in the wrong direction, at Millenium Park.  I sat on a bench btwn two younger ppl eating pizza & two older women people watching, to check my phone & see where I actually needed to be.  It was about 1 o'clock at this time, and I'd been planning to be at the signing at noon... 

The two women were native Chicagoans & were VERY helpful!  They directed me properly & after showing off my Adrianna Locke books that I was planning to get signed (and enjoying a bit of the people watching), I headed off in the right direction.  : )  

I took my time, because honestly it was a GORGEOUS day and I was on Michigan Avenue and Connie had just texted that she wasn't going to make dinner, so I wasn't in a rush.  I was sad - bc she wasn't feeling well & I'd been looking forward to hanging out w/ her again! - but totally understood!!  So while I was taking my time, I saw some wonderful & interesting things!  Like... this... isn't something I see every day!  

And the River was beautiful, there were some trees changing shades, some artwork on the sidewalks, some always photogenic buildings... : )  

I also ran across some handsome men in tuxes having a smoke break, so I stopped to enjoy them for a couple minutes.  They were very sweet - but I didn't take a picture or ask why they were all dressed up!  

When I arrived at the right hotel, and made my way up to the right floor (after asking at the front desk & being a bit worried bc the guy didn't know what I was talking about at first!) (oh, and I thought I heard someone behind me say something about them already being in line, but when I turned around to look, all the ppl were just staring at me but not saying anything, so whatever.  I wasn't going to stand in the back of a reservation line when I just needed to find out what floor to go to.  Sorry if that seems rude, but not sorry!).  

Likely because I was so late, there wasn't anyone taking tickets or at the front table or anything, so I just walked in.  They were pulling the raffle tickets so I just grabbed a glass of water & cheered for the winners!!  : )  

And then it was time to meet Adrianna Locke for the first time!  She is just the sweetest!!  And one of my favorite Instagrammers - which I told her, because she should know she's doing an awesome job w/ her posts!!  She's always sharing fun stuff (like her monthly Hello Lovely box subscription) & fun stories about her family.  Along w/ book news, of course!!  : )  I'd meant to pick up a couple more of her books, but I got so distracted gushing & hugging & whatnot, I totally forgot!!  I DID remember to get the two books I brought signed, tho.  *grin*  AND to get a picture.  LOVE!!!

I went down the line of tables, being my normal nutty self, but having some really great conversations, finding some new-to-me authors, and picking up a couple new books.  My budget for this trip was not what it normally is for a signing, so I only got a few new books.  But I'm happy with my choices!!  I also got pictures w/ Mandi Beck & Lacey Black (who I've been fortunate enough to stalk & chat w/ at many signings)!

I somehow did NOT get a picture w/ Rebecca Yarros, but I did have an amazing conversation w/ her (& Cassie from Garden of Reden') that ended my time at the signing on a beautiful note.  She is just so awesome - we talked about family, fostering, adoption, and about how time w/ our parents is precious.  Just a very deep, but fun, conversation, and I'm so grateful for it!!  <3  

I was super happy for my budget while walking back to my car, because while my bag was heavier than when I'd gotten there, and I'd gained a new bag from Lacey, as well, it wasn't too heavy.  Thank God again - He is good!!  I did manage to get lost trying to get back to the right parking garage, but I also stopped for some Stan's (cute donut shop - and the person who gave me my donuts had lovely pink hair which I had to compliment!!) & to take more pictures & almost stopped at Garrett's for my favorite popcorn, but the line was just too long & I'd already stood in line for donuts.  LOL  

When I finally made it to the right place - after some help from another tourist who also had her GPS out, and making it to the right place but the wrong door & they made us all walk around to the other door, even tho we COULD HAVE just gone up the stairs right there, but whatever.  LOL - I asked about a bathroom.  Of course they said they don't have any public bathrooms & I'm like, "You're having a tour of ppl, you legally have to have a bathroom open..."  She then told me where the bathroom was "for the tour - hint hint."  LOL  She was sweet, and I joined the line for the tour & took the elevator up to the 11th floor - AND OMH!!!!

Seriously, how cool is that?  The tour also included the 31st floor, but after using the loo & looking at the gorgeous scenery at floor 11, I was ready to get back downstairs to the garage & be on my way.

OH!  But it's not that easy, because it's me, apparently.  I paid for parking w/ a $20 bill.  I should have received $4 change.  It didn't come out.  So I hit the Assist button.  Someone answered, but they didn't really SAY anything & when I said I needed $4 change, they didn't reply.  I hit the button a few times, same results, so finally, I just told the guy behind me if $4 happened to come out, be blessed!  Oye.  THEN!  When I pulled out of the parking garage, it was into this underground cavern full of Wrong Way and Do Not Enter signs.  I somehow ended up almost in an impound lot... Idk.  I stopped when I saw a guy & he gave me directions out, thank the Lord.  I was never so happy to see daylight...!  LOL  Then there was fighting some traffic, but again God is good & I made it to the exit to the interstate.... WHEW!  Also, right before seeing the helpful dude, I almost drove into the wrong side of the impound lot which had SPIKES.  EEK!  

The drive back included some side stitches, some sprinkles (thank You, Lord, the rain didn't ever get heavy), some really crazy drivers, some really bad traffic that my GPS kept trying to reroute me around (but through the tollway, so NO thank you)... And this really cool Pilot truck stop.  I stopped to use the loo & get Subway & petrol, but the Subway wasn't in the truck stop.  They did have an Arby's, so I ordered a regular roast beef w/ beer cheese sauce - lemme tell ya, that was yummy!  And the guys at the Arby's were super sweet & asked if I wanted it warmed up w/ the sauce so they melded together nicely.  :D  Yes, please & thank you!  Also, met a lady from Texas who was wearing this really neat flannel!!  We had a nice chat.  I love chatting w/ random ppl I meet on trips.  

There was also a rest area adventure - nearly ALL rest areas - in every state, throughout my travels - cars go to the right, trucks & trailers go to the left.  Well, this one I stopped at was the opposite, but I didn't realize it til I was already going right... And it was DARK back there, y'all!  Rest Areas need to do better w/ lighting.  Oye.  

And in the early hours of the morning, I had some leg cramps, which were NOT fun.  But this trip - WAS A BLAST and I'm so thankful for it!!!  I'm also thankful for now having two days to recover before going back to work.  LOL  

Oh yeah, and here's my awesome haul!!  

Thanks for reading & sharing my adventure!!!  : )  


: )  

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