Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Discovering New To Me Authors

 Social Media can be a fantastic resource for discovering new authors! This year so far I've discovered two new favorites - Carly Spade (via Instagram) & C.E. Johnson (via my friend & favorite author, Susan Stoker, who posted book 1 in this series on her group page after she read & loved it. Sidebar on that one - after I read book 1, I tagged Susan in my own IG to thank her for the rec & it parlayed into getting these two brilliant authors to chat, which is ALSO awesome because they're both going to be at Wild & Windy in Chicago in May, so they might actually get to hang out!). 

Carly's books are a modern take on mythology, and the first book is Hades. 

I was HOOKED from the beginning, so much so that I bought the rest of the series before I'd even finished Book 1! 

(The order is a little out, but it's Hades, Apollo, Ares, Eros, Poseidon, and Zeus is coming soon!)

Great characters & a wonderful take on some of our favorite gods, goddesses, muses, etc., from Greek mythology. The storylines are fresh & fun, and each book was a pretty quick read. 


C.E.'s books are romantic suspense, and again I was HOOKED from the start of book 1, and bought the whole series before finishing that one. 

Each book follows a different couple, while keeping the core friendship of these men front & center. They rely on each other for help with the suspense that pops into each story, and you can feel the love, respect, and loyalty they have for each other. And each woman that becomes their HEA fits right in with the whole group, including their unique skill sets that brought them together in the first place. ; ) 

(I also bought Rain, which I haven't read yet, but am SUPER intrigued!) 

I highly recommend these authors - they each have quite a few books aside from the series that hooked me, and I'll be diving in to those as well. I love their writing styles & the stories they've written! 

Let me know if you pick one of them up & what you think! 

Also, tell me some new-to-you authors you've discovered this year - or give me some recs from YOUR favorites! I'd love to check them out! 


: ) 

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