Thursday, December 15, 2022

Until Willow by Aurora Rose Reynolds

 Happy New Release to one of my first indie authors! 

Aurora Rose Reynolds 

From the minute I saw the title Until November, I knew this was an author for me. I don't think I'd ever seen a character named my birth month before, but I thought it was THE COOLEST! 

Into my Amazon cart it went - I read the story, and devoured it.

Needed the next book, and the next, and the next.

Anyway, I'll stop gushing - I have years of stories & love for this woman! 

Not only for her words, the stories she's crafted, but just her as a person. 

Now, onto this new release! 

My Review:

Omh! Willow & Clay are fabulous! I love these two together. I love the way they meet - their relationship starts with a kiss before they even know each other's name! And not in a creepy way, duh. Lol

We get to see Nico & his protective dad mode, which is great! Clay's family dynamic is written so very well, I wanted to give hugs all around. And possibly a Gibbs smack or two... 😉

Willow is strong & stubborn, but melts -eventually- for Clay. Clay falls hard, and it's delicious. 💚💚💚

We get sweet, heat, suspense, and a pupper! A wonderful, favorite story has been added to this series!!



Have you read ARR? 

Love to know your favorite! 


: ) 

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