Friday, June 21, 2024

Chasing Harlow by Jay McLean

 Jay McLean is one of my original indie authors. I have old-school paperbacks of her More Than This series from before I had kindle. 😁

Her stories always bring the emotions!

Chasing Harlow definitely does!


My Review


This is a beautiful story! There are some hard, real-life pieces to these characters. I adore Jace & Harlow, and the friendship they almost accidentally build. As we share in their journey to falling in love, to healing, to safety, to light ... there were tears & humor, and so much HEART. I fell in love along with them!

Highly emotional read, & I'm so very thankful for these characters & the storylines!

And I'm leaving it there, bc some things are just to spoilery to share, & you need to experience them without expectations, I think.



I highly recommend picking this one up, and having tissues ready!

Let me know your favorite from Jay!


: )