Monday, May 20, 2024

Wild & Windy 6 Recap

 WW in Chicago is one of my favorite signings!

I've been to every one since the beginning & hope to continue attending. Michelle Mankin came on board, and they've expanded to now also have signings in Phoenix & Vegas, but I can't drive to those, so unless I become independently wealthy or acquire a sugar daddy specifically for signings... 🤣

Chicago it is!

The event takes place at the Westin O'Hare in Rosemont, and it is one of my favorite hotels, too. Mostly because after so many years, it feels like a home away from home!

This year, I was blessed to be an assistant to my friend Rochelle (Paige - she's amazing & I love her bunches & y'all should read her. She & Elle Christensen also write as Fiona Davenport, with fun, steamy, baby-makin' stories!). Her editor & friend, Jenny, & I split assistant duties & had a blast! 

Rochelle does this "Blind Date with a Book" thing that really took off. Day two of the signing, she was making them at the table bc they were selling so quickly! 💜

I had so much fun, seeing friends & meeting some of my favorite ppl for the first time in person. One of those ppl was Ana - she has a blog, Ana's Attic, and kicks butt! She also is the creator of Wicked Book Weekend, a signing I never got to attend before it ended, but it's still considered one of the best years later! 

Budgets being what they are, as well as space considerations, I tried to rein myself in & kept to about 25 books, mostly pre-orders I paid for before this weekend! 😁

I also got a couple books for my friends. 

There were also panels & parties & games & bookish vendors. An excellent weekend! 

And now, here are the amazing authors & book haul - as always, I did not get to see everyone, but I enjoyed seeing those friends I did! 



Have you attended bookish events? 

I'd love to hear your stories & see pictures!


: ) 

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