Friday, September 13, 2024

Whistle by Cambria Hebert

 Happy new Elite day!! 

I adore Cambria & this found family of swimmers she's created - and now it's time for their Coach to get his HEA!

My Review:

Coach gets his HEA!!! And so does Bodhi!!! Seriously made me so happy that Bodhi is pulled into the Elite fold. He needed these bros, bruh. 💛

Their story is very angsty, because there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. The emotions are sooo well written, I definitely had tears more than once. We also get some great LOL moments with the Elite group texts, and of course this author brings lots of 🔥🔥🔥 - from the very beginning, too!

There were a couple things that weren't my jam, but I know there's a huge fanbase for those things (idk what to call them! Pet names?) & they fit the story perfectly, so it really is a me thing. 😄

Anyway, I love this series, this huge found family of swim bros, and altho this is the last book, I'm hoping a holiday novella may weave its way into the author's brain someday... 🥰

Emmett & Bodhi are awesome & I want to hug them both lots. Their journey to healing wasn't easy, but it was worth it!


Read in KU!

I struggled a little with this one bc of the Daddy bit. I am just not down with that moniker in a steamy-time capacity & it takes me out of the story/distracts me. That is 100% a me thing & not anything bad about this story! 😁

I hope by now you've discovered the amazing Cambria Hebert & I'd love to know if you've read & fallen in love with this team along with me! 


: )

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