Monday, July 29, 2024

King of Nothing by Aurora Rose Reynolds

 Happy new release to one of my favorite author friends!!

I've devoured ARR stories since stumbling upon Until November many moons ago! I don't even think Nico was out yet, but I might be wrong. I know she became an instant favorite, tho! 

And I have her to thank for discovering my friend Rochelle Paige, so I'm forever grateful!

Ok, enough gushing, I suppose. 

Let's take a look at this GORGEOUS cover. 

And maybe read my review:

Fantastic, beautiful story of falling in love while healing each other's hearts.

I adore Elora! She feels like she's drowning, but is unknowingly spreading love, joy, and sunshine to everyone. Including Roman, who is having the same feeling. Without the side of sunshine, since he's a wee bit ... grumpy. 😄 Elora's able to get under that grumpy shield with her rays, without even trying.

Her kindness intrigues Roman, and he doesn't understand it, but he wants to be around her all the time. And while they build a friendship, it slowly sparks into more.

Their journey is full of beautiful moments, learning about each other in different ways, healing hurts along the way. I LOVE Roman's reactions & how he takes care of Elora - and allows her to take care of him.

There's a lot going on in the story that I loved but can't say anything about bc ... spoilers! This is a story I feel like you need to experience. Fall in love! I did. 💛

Oh! And, there might be a lil cameo I highly enjoyed, too. 😉


And then maybe you wanna pop over to Amazon & KU this beauty? 






Let me know what you think, too!


: ) 

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