Friday, September 13, 2024

Whistle by Cambria Hebert

 Happy new Elite day!! 

I adore Cambria & this found family of swimmers she's created - and now it's time for their Coach to get his HEA!

My Review:

Coach gets his HEA!!! And so does Bodhi!!! Seriously made me so happy that Bodhi is pulled into the Elite fold. He needed these bros, bruh. 💛

Their story is very angsty, because there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. The emotions are sooo well written, I definitely had tears more than once. We also get some great LOL moments with the Elite group texts, and of course this author brings lots of 🔥🔥🔥 - from the very beginning, too!

There were a couple things that weren't my jam, but I know there's a huge fanbase for those things (idk what to call them! Pet names?) & they fit the story perfectly, so it really is a me thing. 😄

Anyway, I love this series, this huge found family of swim bros, and altho this is the last book, I'm hoping a holiday novella may weave its way into the author's brain someday... 🥰

Emmett & Bodhi are awesome & I want to hug them both lots. Their journey to healing wasn't easy, but it was worth it!


Read in KU!

I struggled a little with this one bc of the Daddy bit. I am just not down with that moniker in a steamy-time capacity & it takes me out of the story/distracts me. That is 100% a me thing & not anything bad about this story! 😁

I hope by now you've discovered the amazing Cambria Hebert & I'd love to know if you've read & fallen in love with this team along with me! 


: )

Monday, August 12, 2024

NIGHT THE stars Went Dark by H. D'Agostino

 First of all, Heather is awesome & is an author I look forward to seeing every year at WOTR in Peoria. I always try to preorder her new releases when she has them available for the signing, & I did that with this one. 

She writes beautifully emotional stories! 


Her latest release is about healing & not giving up on your dreams. 

My Review:

This is a story of healing with a hint of romance. Aspen has grown up with music being an integral part of her life. It's the bond she shares with her father. 💙

Bryson becomes her best friend in college. A fellow musician, he supports & encourages her to realize her dreams. When her father unexpectedly passes away, Aspen loses her love of music because it's just too painful. (Tissues!!) Her friendship with Bryson is collateral damage, unfortunately.

Bryson, however, doesn't give up, & I love the way he brings her back to herself! He once again supports & encourages her, with a little more tough love sprinkled in - as well as some super cute dates & snogging. 😁







Free in Kindle Unlimited

Let me know if you grab this one & what you think!


: ) 

Monday, July 29, 2024

King of Nothing by Aurora Rose Reynolds

 Happy new release to one of my favorite author friends!!

I've devoured ARR stories since stumbling upon Until November many moons ago! I don't even think Nico was out yet, but I might be wrong. I know she became an instant favorite, tho! 

And I have her to thank for discovering my friend Rochelle Paige, so I'm forever grateful!

Ok, enough gushing, I suppose. 

Let's take a look at this GORGEOUS cover. 

And maybe read my review:

Fantastic, beautiful story of falling in love while healing each other's hearts.

I adore Elora! She feels like she's drowning, but is unknowingly spreading love, joy, and sunshine to everyone. Including Roman, who is having the same feeling. Without the side of sunshine, since he's a wee bit ... grumpy. 😄 Elora's able to get under that grumpy shield with her rays, without even trying.

Her kindness intrigues Roman, and he doesn't understand it, but he wants to be around her all the time. And while they build a friendship, it slowly sparks into more.

Their journey is full of beautiful moments, learning about each other in different ways, healing hurts along the way. I LOVE Roman's reactions & how he takes care of Elora - and allows her to take care of him.

There's a lot going on in the story that I loved but can't say anything about bc ... spoilers! This is a story I feel like you need to experience. Fall in love! I did. 💛

Oh! And, there might be a lil cameo I highly enjoyed, too. 😉


And then maybe you wanna pop over to Amazon & KU this beauty? 






Let me know what you think, too!


: ) 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Writers on the River 2024

 WOTR is one of my favorite signings, and I'm so grateful to attend every year! 

It's in Peoria, IL, about a two hour drive away on the interstate, and proceeds go to Thistle Farms. 💜

My friend Rebecca makes the official cookies & they are the best sugar cookies! Highly recommend her bakery, Sugar* a la Mode! 

This year, due to a recent car accident & needing to get a new car (😭) I only pre-ordered from three authors & bought two other books. But I had a blast seeing friends & visiting! Totally worth the painful flare on the drive home & "signing hangover" today. 

Currently reading!

CA Harms 🩷

Lacey Black 💙

Emotional support duck & frog.
Someone had turtles, but I didn't make it to the right table to find them! 

My friend Yvonne & I got to hang out for a bit!

I just love getting to see my peeps!
I did miss a couple ppl & hope to see them elsewhere sooner than next year! 

If you've been to signings, I'd love to hear about them!


: ) 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Thirst Trap by Lani Lynn Vale

 It's that time!

Happy new LLV Day! 


This series is about the Carter family & they're quite the trip. A loving family full of LEOs, their work definitely plays a part in their stories. 

My Review:

If you're reading in series order, you'll be prepared for Quinn & Shayne's story to be angsty. They have a deep & heartbreaking history, which we've gotten glimpses of. Throughout the years, tho, their love has never died.

We get a good look at their relationship & issues through the years, & it's very well told, but I still really wanted to shake some sense into both of them. Shayne's stubbornness caused a lot of missed time, imo, for what was essentially Quinn's stupid mistake.

Even with that, I very much enjoyed their story, rooted for them throughout, and loved their HEA!. 😁 There is some crazy stuff that goes on, too. We get that suspense element, humor, steam, and some great family time with the Carter clan. All good stuff! Oh, and some Silas & Sawyer. 💚


Have you given one of my favorite authors a try?

Let me know!


: ) 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Chasing Harlow by Jay McLean

 Jay McLean is one of my original indie authors. I have old-school paperbacks of her More Than This series from before I had kindle. 😁

Her stories always bring the emotions!

Chasing Harlow definitely does!


My Review


This is a beautiful story! There are some hard, real-life pieces to these characters. I adore Jace & Harlow, and the friendship they almost accidentally build. As we share in their journey to falling in love, to healing, to safety, to light ... there were tears & humor, and so much HEART. I fell in love along with them!

Highly emotional read, & I'm so very thankful for these characters & the storylines!

And I'm leaving it there, bc some things are just to spoilery to share, & you need to experience them without expectations, I think.



I highly recommend picking this one up, and having tissues ready!

Let me know your favorite from Jay!


: ) 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Wild & Windy 6 Recap

 WW in Chicago is one of my favorite signings!

I've been to every one since the beginning & hope to continue attending. Michelle Mankin came on board, and they've expanded to now also have signings in Phoenix & Vegas, but I can't drive to those, so unless I become independently wealthy or acquire a sugar daddy specifically for signings... 🤣

Chicago it is!

The event takes place at the Westin O'Hare in Rosemont, and it is one of my favorite hotels, too. Mostly because after so many years, it feels like a home away from home!

This year, I was blessed to be an assistant to my friend Rochelle (Paige - she's amazing & I love her bunches & y'all should read her. She & Elle Christensen also write as Fiona Davenport, with fun, steamy, baby-makin' stories!). Her editor & friend, Jenny, & I split assistant duties & had a blast! 

Rochelle does this "Blind Date with a Book" thing that really took off. Day two of the signing, she was making them at the table bc they were selling so quickly! 💜

I had so much fun, seeing friends & meeting some of my favorite ppl for the first time in person. One of those ppl was Ana - she has a blog, Ana's Attic, and kicks butt! She also is the creator of Wicked Book Weekend, a signing I never got to attend before it ended, but it's still considered one of the best years later! 

Budgets being what they are, as well as space considerations, I tried to rein myself in & kept to about 25 books, mostly pre-orders I paid for before this weekend! 😁

I also got a couple books for my friends. 

There were also panels & parties & games & bookish vendors. An excellent weekend! 

And now, here are the amazing authors & book haul - as always, I did not get to see everyone, but I enjoyed seeing those friends I did! 



Have you attended bookish events? 

I'd love to hear your stories & see pictures!


: )